
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Technology summer camp expands with help from Google

From todays web browsing:

The camp, called Innovation Technology %26amp Entrepreneurship Among Middle Schoolers, is a partnership between the schools to teach rising eighth- and ninth-graders skills in computer science, engineering, programming and business.
And this:
2010 YTA Technology Leadership Award Granted for Demonstrated Innovation and Leadership in the Field and for Contributions Towards Developing the Technology Community.
As well as:
PRINCETON, N.J., June 18 /PRNewswire/ -- Next Inning Technology Research (, an online investment newsletter focused on semiconductor and technology stocks, has updated its outlooks for Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL), Google (Nasdaq: GOOG), Motorola (NYSE: MOT), Broadcom (Nasdaq: BRCM) and Research in Motion (Nasdaq: RIMM). Editor Paul McWilliams has ... original. dogoinkfreey

Friday, June 18, 2010

Ahead of the Curve

Out in the backyard on the newly redone patio. Me, Rufus, Cari and our lonesomes all together as usual. Getting things ready for the long weekend coming up next week - Yahoo! Will we ever get a hold of the craziness?

Tips for Saturday, June 19

On the web today:

Pass ‘em on! I’ll pass on my own tips on Channel 9’s Today show at 7.45am and on the ABC’s Insiders tomorrow at…
And this:
( American Society for Microbiology ) The following are tips from the journals of the American Society for Microbiology: "Prior Exposure to Seasonal Influenza May Explain the Mildness of the 2009 H1N1 Pandemic"; "New Test May Simply and Rapidly Detect Lyme Disease"; and "Oral Bacteria May Offer Probiotic Potential Against Upper Respiratory Infections."
As well as:
# fromthetipsbox Readers offer their best tips for watching 3-D movies in 2-D, fixing weak spacebars, and making the Remember the Milk cow more sympathetic. More » original. we3andyhes Choices

Mac mini: Apple launches new version with better graphics performance

Page of the day:

Mac mini: Apple says its lowest-priced computer has twice the graphics performance.
And this:
Apple’s redesigned unibody Mac mini claims ultra-quiet operation, easy RAM upgrades, and more. The iFixIt team has disassembled a brand new Mac mini and peeked under its hood. What they found inside was as surprising as the machine’s beautiful exterior. Greenpeace will love the new Mac mini for its toxic-free components and highly recyclable unibody enclosure [...] original. Homepage of qw3taskhe

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Mac App Review: Reference Tracker (v1.6.1)

You should check this out:
*HELLO* - In this weeks Mac App Review, I review an application called Reference Tracker. Reference Tracker is an indispensable tool for writers, researchers or students. It creates documents that store all the citations and references in an essay, research project or book. It automatically creates Harvard, APA, MLA or Chicago/Turabian formatted reference lists to insert into your writing when needed. Developer of Reference Tracker: Jim McGowan Malkinware Website Link: www.malkinware.comMac App Review: Reference Tracker (v1.6.1)

Wearable Wednesday: June 16

Check this out:
nail video: Twitter Facebook: Personal Channel: Request photos: Wearable Wednesday Photos: BUSINESS INQUIRIES ONLY All opinions are MY own based on my experience with the product and not influenced by anything or anyone. :)Wearable Wednesday: June 16

Cool picyure today

VinylMadness posted a photo:

Taken Wednesday June 16th at the 2010 E3 Expo at the Los Angeles Convention Center.E3 2010